Re: Still getting broken glass & email change prob
Mon Oct 17, 2016 15:12

1. It is below the picture of Xena, the black dog, & above the messages.
2. Need to get back to you on this. I'm traveling. will check when I get to a wifi
3. I got notification of your message this time at which is what I want to happen. But its the first time in a very long time. I haven't received it when my people post. I'll do more spam checks & get back to you.
4. Feedback: Below this box on your community site, there is a box the check to get daily updates. Didn't there used to be a box for notification when someone posts? I would like to have that again if possible,.
thx Joy

  • 1. I tried to post the html for photos. All I get is the broken glass square Can you give me an example where this is happening? When I look at your DiscApp, I see a picture of a black dog on the... more
    • Re: Still getting broken glass & email change prob — caringpr, Mon Oct 17 15:12
      • 1. It is below the picture of Xena, the black dog, & above the messages. I do not see any HTML for an image below the picture of Xena in the Prologue section of the Admin page. 3. I got notification... more
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